Taking Flight. New Beginnings, New Ideas, new Energy… Exciting & Surprising😃“If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.” Paulo CoelhoFeb 27, 2021Feb 27, 2021
Visualizing my experience of first two weeks at Amal💖I am a person who feels a little nervous while meeting new people. So I was nervous too when Amal fellowship started. But that was just…Feb 19, 2021Feb 19, 2021
Reflection on my beautiful journey of Amal Fellowship.“Your present condition is a reflection of your past thoughts”. This is a very famous quote from Puthes. And it is very true that our…Feb 12, 2021Feb 12, 2021
A Magical Tip To Fight With Procrastination…“Eat that frog with Pomodoro”. What does it mean and what is a Pomodoro? So, let’s read and understand what is a Pomodoro.Jan 1, 2021Jan 1, 2021
Growth Mindset Toolkit…To be successful in this dynamic world and in a dynamic work environment and for being the best version of ourselves. We all need a growth…Dec 24, 2020Dec 24, 2020
Sub-Standard Schools Are A Reason For Destroying Future The Of Kids…You will surely be heard about the phrase “EDUCATION IS FOR EVERYONE”. I think it should be phrased as “QUALITY EDUCATION FOR EVERYONE”…Dec 24, 2020Dec 24, 2020
Thank you my friend…There are some people in your life who appreciates and motivates you no matter what. I have a person in my life too. She is my best friend…Dec 18, 2020Dec 18, 2020
JUST START YOUR GOALSEvery person has some targets and goals in his/her life. I have some goals too. Some are professional and some are personal. Some are long…Dec 18, 2020Dec 18, 2020
Leader in Me….Ma’am Khadija said “Leadership is to be an agent of positive change”. This is true. Bringing a positive change in your life is the start…Dec 16, 2020Dec 16, 2020
Kindness is a gift everyone can afford to give…Kindness is all about being considerate and think of other people. It is an act which do not require too much extra efforts. We can…Dec 12, 2020Dec 12, 2020